. Flying insects were around before the dinosaurs. Most dinosaurs were herbivores and laid eggs.
. The smallest dinosaur was smaller than a chicken. The word dinosaur means “terrible lizard”.
. Dinosaurs died out around 66 million year ago; and it was around 245 miliion year ago that the first dinosaurs appeared.
. The first dinosaur park was opened to the public in 1854 in the grounds of Crystal palace in London.
. In ancient China people thought dinosaur fossils were dragon bones. “Godzilla” is a Japanese dinosaur-like monster which appeared in several films.
. Diplodocus walked on four legs, but megalosaurus on two.
. Modern birds are descendend from dinosaurs. Dinosaurs died before humans appeared on Earth.
. We don’t know what colour dinosaur were because fossils don’t preserve colour.
. In the 19th century, the young girl Mary Anning made some of the most important dinosaur discoveries, the ichtyosaurus.
. Some male penguins give females rocks as presents. Penguins can’t fly, but they can jump.
. A newborn baby leopard has no spots.
. Ants can carry over 50 times their own body weight.
. Baby sand tiger sharks eat their brothers and sisters.
. Only three of the more than 1,300 species of bats inthe world drink blood.
. Bats have been considered lucky in China since ancient times, so you can see imabes of these animals in many Chinese houses.
. Ravens are very intelligent and social animals. They can remember the faces of different people they meet.
. Crows are super-intelligent birds. They have solved mazes and puzzles, and can remember individual human faces.
. A wolf’s sense of smell is a hundred times stronger than a human’s.
. Wolves howl to communicate with each other, and the sound travel up to seven miles away.
. Owls can turn their heads up to 270 degrees. A full circle is 360 degrees, and humans can only turn their heads 180 degrees.
. In ancient Greek mythology, the goddess Athenea often had a littel owl on her shoulder that was said to give her advice.
. Some spiders mimic ants to escape predators.
. Some male penguins give females rocks as presents. Penguins can’t fly, but they can jump.
. A newborn baby leopard has no spots.
. Centipedes (never have 100 legs) are fierce, fast-moving meat eaters while millipedes are slow-moving plant eaters.
. Monarch butterflies have a bright orange and black colour to mark a danger signal that tells potential predators that are poisonous.
. Camels can go for months without drinking water. And they don’t sweat.
. Australia is home to around a million camels. They were introduced in the 19th century. They cause problems because they drink so much water.
. The narwhal is called “The unicorn of the sea”. This whale, found in the cold Artic Ocean has a long spiral “horn” that can grow over 3 m. long.
. The manchineel tree, found in Florida and the Caribbean, is so poisonous that even sitting underneath it causes a painful rash.
. The world’s most venemous animal is the Australian box jellyfish. It has 15 tentacles with 5,000 stinging cells in each.
. Some dogs can sniff out when humans are ill.
. The praire dog is actually a type of rodent, the flying fox is a type of bat, and the killer whale is a type of dolphin.
. In 1783, a sheep, a duck and a rooster took a hot air balloon trip before any people did.
. The largest animal that has ever lived is the blue whale.
. A blue whale’s heart is about as big as a motorbike.
. The world’s longest lived mammal is the whale, over 200 years.
. The part of the body that butterflies use to taste their food is their feet.
. Koalas feed mainly on eucalipto leaves and can spend up to 22 hours a day sleeping.
. The world’s largest reptile is the saltwater crocodile.
. The fruit that cats don’t like to smell of is the orange.
. On average, a cat has 24 whiskers on its face.
. The world’s largest eye on Earth belongs to the giant squid, it’s about a dinner plate size.
. The world’s largest land predator is the polar bear.
. The largest land animal is the African elephant.
. The bird that lays the largest egg is the ostrich.
. Bamboo is the world’s fastest growing plant, nearly 90 cm. a day.
. Cocoa pods are fruits that grow on the cocoa tree, so the chocolate could be considered a fruit.
. An oak tree does not produce acorns until it is at least 40 years old.
. Peanuts are not nuts. They grow in pods underground and are considered a legume like peas or beans.
. Caesar salad is not named after Julius Caesar. It was invented in 1924 by an Italian chef called Caesar Cardini en Tijuana, Mexico.
. Fortune cookies do not come from China. They became popular in Japan in the 19th century.
. The largest flower in the world is also one of the smelliest.
. Honey can last more than 3,000 years without going bad.
. In 1957, in a classic April Fool’s joke a BBC TV documentary showed spaghetti growing on trees.
. The supertrees in Singapore work as solar power generators, collect rainwater and absorb heat.
. The world’s largest living thing is a giant sequoia tree in California, United States, called General Sherman.
. 95% of a cucumber is water.
. Queen Elizabeth II was a trained truck mechanic.
. Valentina Tereshkova was the first woman in space, in 1963. She was there for more than 2 days.
. The first person to go up into space was Yuri Gagarin in 1961, a cosmonaut from the Soviet Union (now Russia).
. The British swimmer Lewis Pugh, in July 2007 swam for 19 minutes in the icy water surrounding the North Pole.
. Charle Lindbergh was the first person to fly SOLO non-stop across the Atlantic Ocean, from New York to France, in 1927.
. Leonardo da Vinci designed a helicopter way back in the 16th century, but it was never built.
. Martin Luther King, Jr. was a 20th century US civil leader and won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1964 for his campaign against racial inequality.
. Cleopatra was an African queen in the 1st century B.C.. She was on of the few female rulers of Egypt, and was killed by a bite from a snake.
. Nelson Mandela was a 20th century African politician. He was the first president of South Africa and was in prison for 27 years.
. When Columbus arrived in the Americas, he thought he was in Asia. America was named after the Italian explorer Americo Vespucci.
. Scotland national animal is the unicorn, and it was chosen in the 12th century because people believed it was the strongest animal.
. At the North Pole, it is completely dark from the end of October until the end of January.
. The mountain in Africa, Kediet ej Jill, is almost entirely of magnetite, so a compass won’t be much help climbing the mountain.
. At the Lehe Ledu Wildlife Zoo in Chongqing, China, visitors pay to be locked in cages .
. The longest ever tennis match took 11 hours and 5 minutes, in 2010 during the Wimbledon Championships.
. In the early 20th century rich British families have lots of servants. The most important were the butler, the cook and the housekeeper. They worked long hours.
. In the 20th century the children of wealthy Britih families usually played intheir bedroom. It was a schoolroom and a payground too. The had their meals there and a nanny looked after them.
. Doll's houses were popular toys in the 1900s. You can visit Windsor Castle and see Queen Mary's doll's house with 40 rooms with a tiny Rolls Royce in the garage, little bottles of champagne and small books in the library.
. A hotel in Nagasaki, Japan, has robot staff members. They recognise guests’s faces, carry the bags and clean the rooms.
. The world’s largest car has 26 wheels and it’s a luxury limousine of 30 metres long with a swimming pool and a helicopter landing pad.
. Mobile phones are dirtier than toilets. There are around 18 times more bacteria on a phone screen than on a toilet flush handle.
. The mobile phone was invented in 1973.
. The light travels more slowly in water then in air.
. The speed of the light is almost 300,00 Km per hour.
. Gold is heavier than silver.
. A plastic bag takes up to 500 years to decompose.
. The camera was invented in the 19th century.
. In the past people suffered terrible diseases like bubonic plague from rats. There were rat catchers and it was a dangerous job, but well paid.
. Not all blood is red. It can be yellow in some beetles, green in some earthworms, or blue in lobsters and squids.
. Farts in a jar were once used to try and cure plague victims.
. You have more than 5 senses. As well as sight, hearing, taste, smell and touch, you have the sense of balance, temperature, pain, hunger and thirst.
. The human eye can see up to 10 million shades of colour.
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